It's been a while, but I made a few changes to the blog. Nothing big, some font and colour changes, but I also added some new sidebar gadgets (and gave everything a title). I probably will never do any dramatic changes, because I really love the way everything looks, and the template was kind of what really sparked the name. That and Nerdfighter awesome-ness, but whatever.
I added links to other places that I can be found (and want to be found), and also to some other blogs written by friends of mine. Some are just starting off, but I trust that they will be good reads. At least for me. And I do have friends whose names don't start with the letter K, I really do, they just don't write. Or they have secret hidden places online that they do it, but just aren't telling me. Either way, the strangeness of all of their names beginning with the letter K is just a coincidence. I hope.
I am going to post again tomorrow, during actual real people hours, and talk about what I have been up to since my last post. Procrastinating mostly, as usual, but I have done some things that are worth talking about. And 2am is just not the time to do it.
So until then, don't forget to be awesome!