
Alive Again

     So clearly posting on Valentine's Day didn't happen, and neither did posting later in the week. I really meant to do it, but I basically slept through this entire week. I would go to school, sleep on the bus all the way there, and be tired all day. I would sleep on the bus all the way home, and once supper was done, I would fall asleep on the couch for around three hours. Then I'd get up for an hour or two to shower, do a little bit of homework, and make my lunch for the next day, and then I'd be back in bed for the night. I think it was because I was sick, because I didn't do anything that would make me that tired for so long.
     Even though Valentine's Day is long in the past, I am going to wish you a Happy Valentine's Day. If you are like me and don't like or celebrate this day, then Happy Single's Awareness Day. I handed out Valentine-o-grams with the other members of the Student's Council, and it went really well. We had to buy a second batch of candy because we sold so much.
     My mom got me a giant heart shaped pillow. It's fluffy and comfortable, and I've been using it to sleep at night. K also made a bunch of us special treats. They are basically balls of cake covered in chocolate. They were amazing.
     This weekend was a special weekend for me. My sister, niece, and brother-in-law were down to visit. I hadn't gotten to see them since New Year's. My niece 'J' talks a lot more now. She's going to be three soon, and I can't wait. We took her to see a couple of hockey games at the town arena. It was really fun.
     Even though it's technically Monday, I'm going to do the 50QC question from last week now. It's my blog, so what I say goes. "Are you doing what you believe in, or are you settling for what you are doing?" My answer is both. I am going to school and working hard, which is what I believe I should be doing. I've got goals for the future, and this is how I am going to accomplish them. On the other hand, there is probably more that I could be doing, or other things that are just as important. Sometimes I feel like I am just settling, but I guess that's life. You can win some and lose some, and that's just how you play the game.
     That's pretty much all I've got to say about this past week. I'm hoping this week will be better, and that I won't be as tired as I was last week. But I can only hope. Well, I can hope, and I can try to get to sleep a little earlier at night. That might help. Have a good week, and DFTBA.


Can't Escape

     I thought I could escape it, but clearly life just doesn't work for me that way. I am sick. I haven't been sick since September (I'm not counting the night I threw up and missed school, I think that was from traveling and fast food). I thought what I was feeling at the end of the week was just an overdose of stress and not enough sleep, but sure enough I woke up this morning with a true cold. Lucky me.
     I have attempted to do homework for the past hour, but it just isn't going well. I will struggle through the rest of it later, but for now I need some time to just zone out. That, and some more cold medicine. There is only so much math homework a sick girl can do before her head implodes.
     I'm hoping I'll feel better for tomorrow, because even though it is my most hated day of the year, I will have to go to school. There's quite a bit of things I have to do tomorrow that are pretty important. Well, important to me anyway. So stay healthy, get your homework done, and DFTBA.


Release the Nerd

     I think I would prefer to take double exams than go through the week I just had again. I haven't been this stressed, tired, and moody in my entire life. Every little thing this week have come together to drive me insane, and  I don't think there's any going back at this point. The only thing to look forward to is the hours and hours of sleep I will be getting after this is posted. Thank god for sleep.
     A positive note before I go on to rant and complain: I finished Halo last night. It was much better than I expected it to be. The ending was sort of rushed, but it was logical and very entertaining. There was a lot of romance and love in it, which is exactly what I had been craving. I kind of guessed what was going on from about midway through the novel, but there were a lot twists I never saw coming, which I always like. I've been staying up late every night to read it, which is partly why I'm so tired right now. But it was too good to not stay awake. I believe there may be a sequel; it was finished on a kind of cliffhanger, with a really bug and important question left unanswered. But a sequel is always a good thing. I'll just have to wait and see what happens. This has been the sixth book in the 50 Book Challenge for my BFS List. I believe things are moving along nicely.
     Since I haven't written all week and probably won't have any time to do it this weekend, I will answer the 50QC question now. I'm up to number six, which to me seems king of high to me, but it actually has only been six weeks since 2011. Go figure. "If happiness was the national currency, what kind of work would make you rich?" First off, I don't see how happiness would ever work as a currency. It's an emotion, and differs in people based on their chemical balance, so couldn't be properly measured and averaged (*cough*nerd*cough*). If it was though, I think that any work where I directly helped people would make me happy. I like to teach people things and see understanding and happiness fill their faces. It's partly why I think I want to become a teacher after highschool. I like to be around children and teenagers, and I've always liked the satisfaction of knowing that someone understands a certain concept because of me.
     I think I have been moody this week mostly because of the upcoming 'holiday,' Valentine's Day. Or as K so geniusly put it, 'Single's Awareness Day.' At least, that's te category I fall under. It's kind of depressing always being in that category. But what can a girl do. Here's what I think of Valentine's Day, sprinkled with a bit of my nerdiness.

     I'm too tired to do any real ranting. I'll save that for the horrid day itself. Now, time for sleep! Have a good weekend, DFTBA, and don't forget, you are not alone on this big blue marble.

**Edit: changed the title from "Release the of Nerd" to what it actually should say.



     I know this week's post is really late. Or, it will seem late once you have read it. I just haven't been in the mood to write lately. I'm stuck in a rut, and no amount optimism will be able to snap me out of it as quick as I would like. Sometimes I just get into a mood, and it takes time (and a lot of effort on my part) to get out of it. I don't like people helping, or trying to help. I don't need to be treated like an antique vase, ready to crack and break at the slightest touch. I just need routine, normal life. And time. Lots and lots of time.
     I finished Radiance on Wednesday night. It was a quick read, but really good. At first I didn't like it, because things just happened with very little reason or explanation, but as I neared the climax I began to understand things a bit better. It's about a girl who dies, and returns to earth to help other souls who have remained pass over. There is also a boy who is with her to guide her, but nothing romantic happens, which was quite a disappointment. But from what I can tell there will be another book about the characters, so we'll have to wait and see what becomes of it all.
The book I am reading now is called Halo. No surprises what this one is generally about.
     I have been quite reluctant to answer this week's question. I tried to do it on the last post, but it just didn't happen. I will give it another go, and hopefully this time I can write something that doesn't sound completely horrible. The question is "what is the one thing you’d most like to change about the world?" It took a lot of thinking for this answer, but the one thing I would change is the way people judge each other. I am so tired of people looking at each other and passing a judgement on their appearance, or something they heard from someone else. I know that I myself am guilty of doing it sometimes, but there are some people who are so quick to judge that it makes me question humanity. We judge people on some of the poorest criteria possible: physical appearance, gender, age, sexual orientation, race, religious beliefs, the list goes on. The one thing we all have in common is the one thing that seems to push us apart; the fact that we don't know who we are or what is really going on. We try to make ourselves seem better to each other, and push each other away so that we don't show how really scared we are of life.
     Anyway, I figure that I won't rant any more than that. I don't want to start a riot or anything. So I hope you have a good week, and you will hear from me soon. As always, be good and DFTBA.


Exams = Dementors

     And that is pretty much how I felt yesterday after finishing my last exam of the semester. A total of nearly 12 hours spent in the exam room, and about 14 hours spent studying for them. How we live through these abominations known as exams is mystery to me. I'm just glad they are over.
     That being said, I'm finally allowed to start reading again! It feels good to lay in bed curled up with a book instead of pouring over my textbooks and notes. My mind also feels like it's back to normal. I had today off, so I slept in until 10 o'clock, which felt amazing. Much better than 7am. But things go back to normal tomorrow with school once again. New classes though. Finally.
     I'm most excited about biology. Mostly because we will eventually get to do dissections. No, I'm not sadistic or inhumane. I just think it's interesting and I would like to know if I have the capacity to do it. I know, that sounds a bit insane. Whatever. I'm also excited for automotive technology. I took it in grade nine (it was required), and again in grade ten, and I just love it. I can't explain it. I like knowing how things work, and trying to fix things, and getting dirty. Sometimes.
     I am not looking forward to math, though. I hate math. I can normally understand it, but it gives me a lot of grief. But it's not something I can help. I know I need it and I need to understand at least half of it. I've also got a humanities course this semester: parenting. Mostly I'm taking it because it's a pretty easy credit if you pay attention. The only reason I'm not looking forward to it is because of the teacher. I just don't like her, and I'm pretty sure (though she's never taught me before) she doesn't like me. But I'll just have to wait and see, I guess. No need to assume anything just yet.
     I was in a really artsy mood the other night. I just wanted to get up and do something, but it was nearly midnight and I needed to write my last exam the next day, so I went to sleep instead. I'm hoping it will hit me again soon, because I've got nothing else to do. That sounds pretty bad, but it's the truth. Also, I wouldn't mind a creative writing mood soon. But that takes time.