
Again? Really?

     It's happened again. I'm sick. But this time I took a day off the rest. It's only a Friday, and not much was going to be happening in my classes, and I went yesterday against my better judgement. I was going to stay home yesterday, but decided not to. I ended up falling asleep in history, partly because I was exhausted and feeling horrible, and partly because the movie/documentary we were watching was really boring. So today I decided to stay home.
     I slept until noon, but only because the phone woke me up. I sat on the couch all afternoon, watching TV and movies, and catching up on YouTube. I must say, I am feeling much better. The only bad thing is that my feet keep falling asleep, my nose is raw from the tissue, and now I have to do homework. But it's going to be alright. I have all weekend.
     So have a good weekend, don't get sick, and DFTBA.

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