
Mischief Managed

     I can't believe that I have never talked about Harry Potter in any of my previous blog posts! The only time I've mentioned it was for K's birthday, when I made her a Hogwarts acceptance letter. Well, to make up for that, and also because I've got a lot to say on the subject, this will be a very Potter themed post.
    I will start with my reaction to the finale of the Harry Potter movie phenomena, The Deathly Hallows part 2. I went to see it with K on the 15 (I know, a long time ago, shh!), and it was amazing! We actually got some good seats this time, considering there were a like a million people already there when we got to the theatre. It was all really good, and the plot didn't stray too far from that of the book, and even the parts that did weren't too bad. Most of them kind of made the film better in my opinion, because they looked good onscreen.
     My favourite scene was in Gringotts, when the trio released the dragon and it clawed its way through the vaults and out into the sky. It was pretty much exactly how I had imagined it while I was reading the book. Also, I love how dragons are portrayed throughout this series.
     I also liked that the link between Voldemort and Harry was showed visually in the films, because it gave a different dimension to what was going on between them. I also cried during the movie, mostly when Snape died and his story was playing, because it showed so much more of Snape's character in those few moments than in all of the films combined. I also cried when seeing Lupin and Tonks' bodies, and seeing the Weasley family mourn over their losses. I didn't cry as much watching the movie as I did as when I read the book.
     A few more of my favourite moments were when McGonagall called the statues to guard the school, and got all excited because she finally got to use that spell. It was a great moment of comic relief in a stressful moment. The battle in general was amazing, and as much as I love the castle, it was interesting to see the battle happening around it, and watch how it falls. Although, I did not like it when the Death Eaters set fire and destroyed the Quiditch  field. That was always my favourite place on the Hogwarts grounds.
     Neville was absolutely brilliant! Even from the beginning, I always felt that Neville would have his moment, his time to shine, and nothing could beat the epicness of him pulling Gryffindors sword from the Sorting Hat and then killing Nagini just in time for Harry to finish off Voldemort.
     I found this comic thingy on Deviant Art  and I just found it hilarious. It pretty much sums up Part 2 without all of the glamorous in between stuff that makes up movies and books. My favourite panel is the awkward Draco/Voldemort hug, because that is pretty much how it looked in the movie, too. Voldie was all "Draco, come and hug!" and Draco walks over, probably thinking something along the lines of "No no no no no no no." And then awkward hug happens, and you can just see it in his eyes that he would rather be anywhere but there. Then the Malfoys skip town, and the battle continues. Stupid Malfoys.
     And that is basically my reaction to the final Harry Potter movie. Of course, I could say something about every second of the film, but that would take too much time and too much effort, and I have other things I wish to write about. The thing that comes next with HP? Forcing future generations to read the books and watch the movies and keeping the fandom alive.
     The other Harry Potter related thing I have to talk about is my recently arrived Hogwarts acceptance letter, all the way from the Netherlands! (hmm, maybe that's where Hogwarts is secretly hidden...). Anyway, a few weeks ago I sent away my own letter to a new Nerdfighter friend, C, who lives there, and she sent me a letter, and I finally got it in the mail today. See, I'm creepily excited to open it! Also, Harry Potter is creepin' over my shoulder. That happened completely by accident.
     The letter is very beautiful, all handmade, (whereas mine is computer generated due to my lack of artistic talent) and is now posted on my cork board until I find a more permanent place for it. I can't wait to hear from C that she got my letter.
     I hope to be able to make more letters for Nerdfighter friends in the future, because it is very fun to make them and send them, and I know that it is fun to receive them.
     Anyway, this post has been really long and taken me a long time when I have had other important things to do. DFTBA, keep the magic alive, and mischief managed!


  1. Ah, Harry Potter. The experiences, the experiences...

  2. OMG MY LETTER <3 It was SUCH a joy making them, I want to make more! I received your letter as well, thank you so much! I will make a picture with it soon! I also got new creative ideas since I made this letter - I promise you that it's all very nerdfighter typical. I will let you know when I'm going to start with them. This is going to be a wonderful creative summer, I can feel it. (:

    Plus - WONDERFUL blog. I'm going to read more when I have time.

    Let's keep the Harry Potter fandom alive forever. *high five, low ten*
