
Accio Hallowe'en!

     This week has been so extremely busy that it just killed me to start another one. I was insanely tired all day today, and I fell asleep on the couch after school today. It felt so nice to sleep, but then I had to wake up. Anyway, I didn't forget to post this weekend, I was just busy. I wrote a really bad post last night, but had to stop halfway through so that I could write my essay for my English class. I did the entire thing in two hours. Don't you just love procrastination? I do. Sarcasm too.
     So I finally finished my ancient histories project. It took me forever! I neglected a lot of other homework last week so that I could get it done and presented, which is why my other essay was left until Sunday night. The essay I wrote was kind of poorly done. Definitely not my best work, but after all the frustration of it, I was just glad to get it over. I also made my visuals really quickly, but I still like the way they turned out. I will get a picture of them up as soon as I get them back, because I forgot to take one before I handed it all in. I still think they are good, though.
     Even though I completed my English essay, I still haven't finished reading the book. It's Frankenstein, and I have to admit that it's a good book, but I really hate reading for classes. I prefer to read for the enjoyment of reading, instead of having to pick through the story, dissecting the plot, finding meaning, or trying to understand the minds of the characters. Here is a quote pertaining to my hatred of such things:

"Persons attempting to find a motive in this narrative will be prosecuted; persons attempting to find a moral in it will be banished; persons attempting to find a plot in it will be shot. - BY ORDER OF THE AUTHOR" 
 -Mark Twain

     Another thing that happened this week was Purple Day. The idea is to wear purple clothing in honour of six people who committed suicide for their sexuality. God I hate bullying. Anyway, since I don't have any purple clothing (not even a pair of socks. I'm not even kidding), I wore purple flower earrings and my purple bracelet that says 'useyourvoice.ca'. It's for the Children's Aid Society, but the message is still the same in both cases, and it was purple. I know that some people don't wear purple because they feel that it singles out a specific case, and doesn't focus on actually stopping this from happening, but to me, wearing purple is my support of trying to stop this from happening again.
     Well, Hallowe'en is coming upon us pretty fast again this year. I spent this weekend with K, making masks for our costumes. We are going to be Death Eaters. It involves black clothing, a black cape or cloak, and a mask. Our masks look amazing, and I can't wait to go our trick or treating. Yes, I am going trick or treating. I don't care that some people may think I am too old. I'm doing it. I'll also be wearing my costume to school. Here is a picture of my mask:

     Well, let's hope that I survive this week. So far it doesn't seem to be too bad, but things can always get worse. On the flip side, things can always get better. So enjoy the week my friends, survive, and DFTBA.


Musical Muse

     Just a quick update. I added the music playlist. It took me forever to figure out how to do it, and even the FAQ on the site didn't help very much. But it's on here, right at the bottom. It was originally on the sidebar, but it expanded the page too much. So if you want to know what I listen to while writing, or anything else, check it out. And if you like any of it, don't be afraid, go out and buy it. I know it's on Itunes, and on DFTBA.com. Support the people you like so that they can keep making music you like. And if not, Playlist is just one of many sites that you can listen to music on for free. Keep listening my friends, and DFTBA.

Procrastination Creation

     When I write my posts, I always leave the title for the end. I do this because I never really know what I'm going to write about. Also, I love to write a catchy, brilliant title. Sometimes this means a lot of thinking, and sometimes it doesn't.
     This is the first time that I blog while listening to music. I usually don't because I like to write in a quiet environment, but there is music playing downstairs, and conversation in the kitchen, so I have to block that out. I am going to put my Playlist.com playlist on my blog, so that you can listen to the music that I listen to while I write. It's currently all Nerdighter music, but it's still really good music.
     I am aware that I was supposed to post during the week, and that it is currently Sunday. But this week has been insane. I have a great skill in an area that I really ought not too. Procrastination. I had put off starting my ancient histories project for too long. I only started it two days before the first part was due, which was Thursday, and I stayed up until past midnight Wednesday night finishing it. The next part is due this Thursday, so I won't be posting before then, I can guarantee. I have also been busy with yearbook and student council this week. I really don't know what I have gotten myself into this year.
     Also this week, I witnessed history. Before going to school on Wednesday morning, I saw two of the miners being taken out of the mine from Chile. They had been trapped in the mine for 69 days. I saw number 6 and 7 getting removed from the mine. It was extremely touching and made me rethink a lot of things. I cannot even imagine being anywhere, in one place, for more than a month, let alone over two. All of them were safely removed, and returned to their families. Last I heard, all but two were out of the hospital.
     So it seems that posting a picture has become pretty normal on here. So I think I'm going to start posting a picture at the end of every post. I'm going to kill two birds with one stone here, (metaphorically of course) and post a picture with a quote as well. I love quotes. I have a lot of quotes, pages of them, saved on my computer. I also have a wall full of quotes, and artwork, but mostly quotes. I'll get a picture of that sometime.

          So, have a good week. I'll try, I really will. But now I have to get my homework done. After I add the music playlist. See, more procrastination! Don't procrastinate, and DFTBA my friends.
[No birds were harmed in the making of this or any previous posts. I swear.]



     It's pretty early, but it is now officially 10/10/10. It isn't really a big deal, just another day really. But this phenom will not happen again until 2110. Next year will be more epic, but this is still pretty amazing.      So, events happening on this day. So far, that I've heard of, there will be a lot of environmental awareness events and projects starting. Thank you google. I think that's pretty cool. 350.org has a list of every single registered event in the world. They even have one for the city near where I live, so they're pretty precise. You can find that here.
     Also, a book is being officially released today (tomorrow?). Kaleb Nation's Bran Hambric: The Specter Key is being released in store. He is hoping, and dreaming, that his book gets on the national best seller list. Preorders have been being made for more than a month now, including signed copies. If his book does appear on the list, he will make a visit to the city with the most preorders. Too bad I don't live in a city that loves books. Sigh. Anyway, he will have an epic (hopefully) YouTube video out in the morning, so you should check that out. And you can read the first three chapters of his book, and of the first book, Bram Hambric: The Farfield Curse, here. I really recommend at least giving them a shot. What's the harm?

     Another thing I know that is happening happens to be a Nerdfighter thing. There's going to be a gathering in Chicago, but since I can't be there, I'm not going to say anything about it. If you want to know more, you can look at this video. Why do all of my favourite people that I want to meet have to live outside of Canada?!?
     Anyway, I am posting this now, at like 2am, because I might be busy tomorrow. I still haven't completely made up my mind, so I'm doing it now just to be safe. Now, why does it seem that lately this blog has been about telling you about other people and other people's fun? Oh, that's right, because it has been. School has just been it's annoying self, grasping me in it's annoying-ness. My English teacher has been MIA for over a week, which means annoying filler work while she is gone. I mean, you can only have so many "class discussions" before someone should realize that there are only a select few that actually discuss. For others it's down time to do work from other classes, talk, listen to music, or play games on Ipods. I mean, is everyone else just blind to this kind of stuff but me?
     So here is a warning to anyone who is thinking of using physics as a filler class/report card boost. Don't. It's very difficult if you mean to use it like that. It needs to be taken seriously. Like, study and make sure you understand everything kind of seriousness. I know by unfortunate experience. I thought that it wouldn't be difficult, and that it would just be something to occupy that period. But it's hard. Like, maddeningly, frustratingly, hard. But I will get through it. I've got some amazing help. And google. Nothing helps like a bit of google. 
     I have spent this past week with late nights reading, annoying school days, and evenings ignoring everything. Homework, people, YouTube (which took a long time to catch up on), and sleep. I just basically sat around the house thinking, and planning, and never following through on those plans. But this weekend, this glorious long weekend, has already begun to piece back together the horrible puzzle that I had created. 
     So anyway, I will be sure to post something more me-like sometime this week. Before the weekend, I promise. So have a good 10/10/10 my friends, stay true to yourself, and DFTBA.  

P.S. - That poster I did last weekend that I blogged about? The Egyptian themed one? Yeah, 100%. I know. Awesome. XD 


Artistic Muse

     So this weekend I really wanted to blog. It was one of the things I was really looking forward too. But I told myself that I would not until I had all of my homework done. It's now Sunday night. The homework took too long. And I didn't even do all of it. I ignored the chemisty homework, like I always do.
     Anyway, in case you were wondering, the previous post and the change in my display picture are for a contest. I am hoping to win said contest. I want to win said contest very badly. The prize is just too good to be true. So please cross your fingers and hope that I win, please. It would be very much appreciated.
     This weekend I spent most of my time working on my history homework. The assignment was to make a poster and write on it using hieroglyphics. The message was supposed to be our final words or message to the world. I traced most of the symbols, but there are some that I free-handed. I am not an artist. I would fail if I couldn't trace. So, without further ado, here it is:

      All of the symbols going across say, "I'm not saying that everything is survivable. Just everything except the last thing is." The giant black symbol is an ankh, the Egyptian symbol for life. And the last bit, in the bottom right corner, is a cartouche, which in it has my name. The symbols going around it, starting from the top right hand and going around in a counter-clockwise motion, say, "Now comes the mystery."

          To be able to introdice my last piece of news, I must first do a bit of explaining. I have a condition called Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension (IIH). It basically means that I have high pressure in my head for no apparent reason. I have been diagnosed for just under a year. It does nothing to hinder my daily life, as long as I take my medication. Which sucks. But what can you do? Anyway, I was bored today, seeing as I was done my homework, except for the ignored chemistry, so I was googling things. At one point, I decided to google IIH. Then I clicked Images. I've never done an image search for it. All I figured I would get for images would be eyes, spinal taps, and random google crap. But what I found made me really excited. I found an awareness ribbon, and from that a website dedicated to finding a cure. Sounds cheesy, I know, but when I was first diagnosed I couldn't find much information about it.

     That has been the highlights of my weekend. The following week is more than likely going to be long and annoying, and homework filled, so I probably won't post until the weekend. But that's ok, because next weekend is Thanksgiving weekend, which means a long weekend. So have a good week, be artistic, and DFTBA my friends.