So I finally finished my ancient histories project. It took me forever! I neglected a lot of other homework last week so that I could get it done and presented, which is why my other essay was left until Sunday night. The essay I wrote was kind of poorly done. Definitely not my best work, but after all the frustration of it, I was just glad to get it over. I also made my visuals really quickly, but I still like the way they turned out. I will get a picture of them up as soon as I get them back, because I forgot to take one before I handed it all in. I still think they are good, though.
Even though I completed my English essay, I still haven't finished reading the book. It's Frankenstein, and I have to admit that it's a good book, but I really hate reading for classes. I prefer to read for the enjoyment of reading, instead of having to pick through the story, dissecting the plot, finding meaning, or trying to understand the minds of the characters. Here is a quote pertaining to my hatred of such things:
"Persons attempting to find a motive in this narrative will be prosecuted; persons attempting to find a moral in it will be banished; persons attempting to find a plot in it will be shot. - BY ORDER OF THE AUTHOR"
-Mark TwainAnother thing that happened this week was Purple Day. The idea is to wear purple clothing in honour of six people who committed suicide for their sexuality. God I hate bullying. Anyway, since I don't have any purple clothing (not even a pair of socks. I'm not even kidding), I wore purple flower earrings and my purple bracelet that says ''. It's for the Children's Aid Society, but the message is still the same in both cases, and it was purple. I know that some people don't wear purple because they feel that it singles out a specific case, and doesn't focus on actually stopping this from happening, but to me, wearing purple is my support of trying to stop this from happening again.
Well, Hallowe'en is coming upon us pretty fast again this year. I spent this weekend with K, making masks for our costumes. We are going to be Death Eaters. It involves black clothing, a black cape or cloak, and a mask. Our masks look amazing, and I can't wait to go our trick or treating. Yes, I am going trick or treating. I don't care that some people may think I am too old. I'm doing it. I'll also be wearing my costume to school. Here is a picture of my mask:
Well, let's hope that I survive this week. So far it doesn't seem to be too bad, but things can always get worse. On the flip side, things can always get better. So enjoy the week my friends, survive, and DFTBA.