
Artistic Muse

     So this weekend I really wanted to blog. It was one of the things I was really looking forward too. But I told myself that I would not until I had all of my homework done. It's now Sunday night. The homework took too long. And I didn't even do all of it. I ignored the chemisty homework, like I always do.
     Anyway, in case you were wondering, the previous post and the change in my display picture are for a contest. I am hoping to win said contest. I want to win said contest very badly. The prize is just too good to be true. So please cross your fingers and hope that I win, please. It would be very much appreciated.
     This weekend I spent most of my time working on my history homework. The assignment was to make a poster and write on it using hieroglyphics. The message was supposed to be our final words or message to the world. I traced most of the symbols, but there are some that I free-handed. I am not an artist. I would fail if I couldn't trace. So, without further ado, here it is:

      All of the symbols going across say, "I'm not saying that everything is survivable. Just everything except the last thing is." The giant black symbol is an ankh, the Egyptian symbol for life. And the last bit, in the bottom right corner, is a cartouche, which in it has my name. The symbols going around it, starting from the top right hand and going around in a counter-clockwise motion, say, "Now comes the mystery."

          To be able to introdice my last piece of news, I must first do a bit of explaining. I have a condition called Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension (IIH). It basically means that I have high pressure in my head for no apparent reason. I have been diagnosed for just under a year. It does nothing to hinder my daily life, as long as I take my medication. Which sucks. But what can you do? Anyway, I was bored today, seeing as I was done my homework, except for the ignored chemistry, so I was googling things. At one point, I decided to google IIH. Then I clicked Images. I've never done an image search for it. All I figured I would get for images would be eyes, spinal taps, and random google crap. But what I found made me really excited. I found an awareness ribbon, and from that a website dedicated to finding a cure. Sounds cheesy, I know, but when I was first diagnosed I couldn't find much information about it.

     That has been the highlights of my weekend. The following week is more than likely going to be long and annoying, and homework filled, so I probably won't post until the weekend. But that's ok, because next weekend is Thanksgiving weekend, which means a long weekend. So have a good week, be artistic, and DFTBA my friends. 

1 comment:

  1. I wanted to say THANK YOU for your blog. My beautiful niece has IH as well, and she is currently in the hospital having yet another spinal tap. :( I found your blog while searching any info on it that I could find! I pray you are WELL now!
