1. It will. |
2. No matter how much I try to deny it to myself, my feet are freezing! No amount of blankets are helping right now either. Neither are socks, slippers, or feet-resistant flames.
3. The procrastinating needs to stop. I can procrastinate myself into the corner, very easily I might add, and it is doing nothing to help anything. It is actually making things worse. All things.
4. I read at a faster rate than I can buy books. This may not sound bad to some people, but to me it can feel like he end of the world sometimes.
5. What is at the end of the world? I know most people want to know how it ends, or when it ends, but I'd like to know what's there. Are we there? Is proof of ou existence there? And if we are there, are we the same, or have we changed? There is too much uncertainty in that kind of future to worry about, I know, but I still wonder.
6. Does anyone really know what all the keys on the keyboard do? I mean really, mine has all of these weird symbols on it. And what if you press multiple keys at one time? Like <Ctrl><Alt><Del>. If I press a certain sequence, will my computer become a robot or something? I mean really, they could be death machines and we would never know.
7. I poured myself a drink to come down here are write this post, but I haven't taken a single sip. Now the glass looks all neglected, and I feel obligated to drink it, but I'm just not thirsty anymore.
8. Who goes out one day and says "I'm going to create a math theory"? Has anyone but me noticed how many equations and problems there are in the math world? Who comes up with this stuff? Sure, one day I'm just going to stay home and create a problem that no one else can solve, then make up a way to get an answer, and consider it a theory. Who cares how long it will take Train A and Train B to get to the same spot on the track? Just stop them before you kill a bunch of inicent people. Gosh. (That was a rant against the horrible math test I had to write today. Grr!)
9. Then again, I also feel this way about weekends.
10. I really hate it when people make a list, pretend to forget a number, and make the next thought something like "I bet you didn't realize there was no number whatever." It's not that hard to count, or go back and change the numbering. Also, not a lot of people look at the numbering. They look at the words after the numbers. That's where all the information is written.
11. This is the first time I've done a list like this. I think I may do more in the future. Except I will plan better in the future, since I am running out of time and things to say.
12. Everytime I'm bored or don't know what to do when I'm online, I look up to the top bar of the screen where I have some of my favourite sites listed for easy access, and I wonder if I will find something to do or say. I never do, in case you were wondering. Mostly I just think that a lot of them aren't favourites anymore, and I haven't visited some in the longest time.
13. Book boys = <3
14. This thought will self destruct in three ... two ... one ... *poof*.
15. Not enough thoughts, not enough time. Ahh!
16. I was sixteen yesterday.
17. I will be seventeen for 364 days. That's a lot of days.