
Lost Blogger

     Over the last two weeks I feel as though I have lost myself as a blogger. I haven't updated at all, I haven't put any thought into a single post, and yet I've had time to do so every day. To make up for it, I'm going to try to jam pack this post with as much as I can possibly write, until I lay, broken and empty, asleep in my bed. That sounds really nice right now, but I will resist the distraction. I will!
     I've completed two books, and am almost done a third, since the last word from me. Closer by Roderick Gordan and Brian Williams. It the the fourth book in the Tunnels saga. It just keeps getting better and better with every book, although I'm getting really impatient for a definitive ending. I've loved every minute of the books, but now to wait for a fifth? Anyway, there was some death, some reunions, and some very interesting events, including blowing up a laboratory, being locked in a closet for weeks, and gaining a 'sixth sense' of sorts. Now to away for Spiral, which will hopefully hold an ending!
     Catching Fire is the second book in the Hunger Games series. I'm just finishing up the last book today, so maybe there will a post about it tomorrow. I read Catching Fire really quickly, it was just so good and so twisting. Out of all the possibilities that I expected for the second book, what happened was miles out the range. Things seemed to be going along well and then BAM! a huge plot twist. That's what I liked most about this book: the complete unknown for the future. After this turning point, it was like an anything goes attack against the reader. Truly magnificent. But what else would you expect after the awesome that was The Hunger Games? The only thing I can say about this book is this: Tick-Tock.

     I am going to do a double here and answer two questions to make up the quiet that had seemed to settle here lately. First, "to what degree have you actually controlled the course your life has taken?" Well, if control in my life was placed in a scale of one to ten, one being none and ten being complete, then I would say about a six. I can't control that I have to go to school, or that I have to sleep at night and be home by a certain hour. But I can control what kind of classes I take, the path I hope my future to follow, and how I present myself. So, while I don't have a lot of control, I have what I need. For now. As I learn and grow, my control over my life will increase. It will never be at a ten, or even a nine. Life just doesn't work like that. But it will also never be zero or one. As human beings, be always have control over ourselves. Maybe not in the way that everyone thinks or would like, but in the way that matters.
     The second question is "are you more worried about doing things right, or doing the right things?" I think I'm going to have to be a fence sitter here. Mostly because the question confuses me, but also because I'm human and my choice changes all the time. I like to do things right; if you don't do it right the first time, you have to do it again, and I don't like doing things twice. I also try to do the right things, because in the long run it will make me a better person. "The right thing and the easy thing are never the same thing." As difficult as it may be at times, I try. I try to do both, and sometimes it moves me forward, sometimes backwards, and sometimes I find myself exactly where I started. But I'm alright with that.

     Now I will go and finish Mockingjay so that I can write again tomorrow. I must admit though, I don't feel so broken and empty right now. I think a lot of this post has come into a roundabout and completed itself somehow. I'm not even going to try to understand it right now though. So try and DFTBA everyone.

P.S - I found this really funny webcomic the other day. Link. What are you waiting for, go look! LINK!

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