
Still Here

     I realize that I haven't really posted anything in over a week. I kind of felt like just giving up lately. Every time I thought that I should write something, a little voice in the back of my mind kept saying "Why bother? No one cares what you write." I've been agreeing with that voice lately, and am still fighting to keep it gagged and tied up in the dark recesses of my mind. So right now I figure I will continue on in the normal routine.
     Clearly I have used up one of my two safe weeks for the 50QC. I was hoping to never have to skip a week, and answer all of the questions with two weeks remaining in the year to reflect and whatnot. Oh well. The question for this week is actually pretty interesting. "If the average human lifespan was 40 years, how would you live your life differently?"
     If the average lifespan was 40 years, the first thing that I would do differently is not spend as much time in school. Currently I am expecting to be in school until I'm around 22 years old, which would be half of my life. Then I would have to work the rest to pay off the debt of school, and I would have no time to really live. So I would spend less time in school and more time doing things for myself, like traveling and meeting people and having different experiences. If I were only expected to live to around 40, I would forget about trying to save for a future as much as people now do and focus on being with my friends and family. I most certainly would not be wasting a Saturday evening typing at my computer like this. Just kidding. It's not a waste.
     Last week I finished two books: The Hunger Games and Beastly. I borrowed both of them from K, but I intend to buy The Hunger Games trilogy next time I'm in a bookstore. She only had the first one, and it completely hooked me. Basically, it's about a girl who is sent along with 23 other teenagers to battle it out in the annual Hunger Games, in which the contestants have to kill each other to survive; the last one standing gets to live. It was really amazing. Beastly is pretty much a modern day take on the classic Beauty and the Beast story. It was also really good, much better than I expected it to be. This has now been eight books toward the 50 book challenge. I'm a little behind from where I would have liked to be by this time, but that's alright because I will make it up in the summer.  
     So there, I've actually posted for this week. Hopefully this following week I won't be in this mood again and I'll actually write. Have a good week, keep your hopes up, and DFTBA.

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