
A Return and Introductions

  Kye peered into the darkness between the branches, waiting for any sign of movement that would indicate she had been followed. Once she had reassured herself that the path behind her was empty, she turned her eyes to the one that lie ahead.
  The ground was an abundance of overgrowth and fallen branches as she picked her way quietly across the landscape. Her ears twitched at the slightest sound from the surrounding forest, and her eyes strained to watch the darkness ahead. She may not have been followed, but there was no telling of the possibilities of what was to come.
  She stopped only when she came to a clear stream about three feet across. It stretched as far as she could see in either direction. She crossed and climbed a tree, ensuring that her scent would be lost in the steadily flowing water.
  Resting against the trunk of the tree and watching the forest beneath her, she relaxed for the first time since she started running. She hadn't wanted to leave Trevor behind like that. There was just nothing she could do. Once she saw the blood beginning to pool and the glassy look overtake his eyes, she knew she had no time. She had to go. Run.
  Trevor Davenport was from a small town on the Maine coastline. He had come to Canada to get away from the gang life that had begun to consume him. Then he met Kye. Kye Winters was a city girl, and out in the country she had stuck to Trevor like a shadow. Not that he hadn't minded. He told her once that he enjoyed her company, listening to her stories...
  A snapping twig brought Kye back to the forest. Trevor was gone, and she would be next if she didn't keep her mind in focus. He would come for her next. And this time, he wouldn't spare her.

     I realize I haven't written in a long time, and I've kind of come to the conclusion that it's because every time I want to write, I feel like I need to excuse myself for having not done so in a long time, and trying to catch up on things that I've done and missed. So I'm not. I'll add in the mass of books that I've read since the last time I"ve posted, but other than that, things will continue on.
     I wrote that short piece last night because I was in a writing kind of mood, but Blogger was down so I couldn't post it right away. It really ticked me off. Anyway, it made me feel kind of good to write like that, so whenever I do I'll post it here. Let me know what you think of it. It won't always be about the same characters, or the same time lines or plots. It'll probably be more like a how I feel when I feel like writing kind of thing, unless I get into something that I really like and it picks up.
     Anyway, I'll end this post and get one up on the books I've read, update everything for the 50 Book Challenge. I believe I'm nearly halfway through, which is really amazing considering it isn't even halfway through the year yet.

1 comment:

  1. I feel the exact same way whenever I post, like I should be apologising for not writing. Then I realize that all my posts start like that and I just take it out... >_<'

    Good job on your writing too *claps* It's very interesting, makes me want to read more so I can figure out what's going on. I like the name Kye too, it's nice.

    A few constructive critisisms if you're open to them:
    -"the one that lie ahead" that phrase doesn't really sound right to me, it might be just me though... maybe it should be lay instead of lie?
    -"not that he hadn't minded" double negative there, I'm pretty sure it should be "not that he had minded"

    Other than those, I think it's really good. It kind of reminds me of a drabble because of the short length. The descritiveness (sp?) was really good too, I like writing that has a good amount of detail without going overboard. I think you managed to achieve that here. :)

    If you're feeling adventurous and want to post whatever you write online so other people can read and rate it, I suggest quizilla(dot)com. That way you might be able to get many people's opinions on your work without them having to know who wrote it.

    Can't wait to read more! (secretly loves reading amature writing) >_> :P
