The first book, Shiver, tells the near impossible love story of a girl and a boy. Sure it sounds ordinary, but I neglected to mention that this boy used to be a wolf, and is only human now, in the beginnings of winter, because he was shot. And he also saved this girl's life once, when he was a wolf. Throw in some amazing friends, a heart-wrenching history, and some incredible love, and you've got yourself one epic tale.
I'm not going to tell you anything about the second book, because it will give away the amazing-ness of the first. Linger kept me at the edge of my seat the entire time I was reading it. There was just no stopping it. It crawled into my heart and has left its own impression. I just couldn't stop feeling for the characters.
I am not afraid to admit that both of these books made me cry, nor am I afraid to say that I hope Forever makes me cry. It only means that they were able to scrape my heart raw, and that makes for some impressive literature. I recommend these books to all those who are looking for a little romance, a little adventure, and a lot of excitement. Five stars!
So in the meantime, my friends, keep reading, and DFTBA.