
A Beginning to Everything

     There is a beginning to everything. A beginning to every story, movie, and life. They are all different, though they may have their similarities. But none are exactly the same. Now I'm not sure what to say. I've never been good at beginnings. But I've got to start somewhere. How about I start with what is annoying me most right now. That would be the autosave button on the post creator. Pretty much every time I stop typing, the little button that says save now at the bottom of the screen turns dark blue, and autosaves a draft of my post. It's very useful though, in case there is a power fail, or my computer instantaneously combusts. Otherwise, all it does is distracts me, because every time it blinks, my eyes are brought to the bottom of the screen to look at that little button. And it's driving me insane.
     To start off, I think I should tell you that I am a Nerdfighter. No, I do not fight nerds, nor do I have any aversion to them. Why? Well, because I am a nerd. The term Nerdfighter was brought to life by the Vlogbrothers. They are Youtube vloggers. I am not going to go into what a Nerdfighter is, because that would take up quite a lot of time which I don't have. So, I'm going to do the nerdy thing and link you to the How to be a Nerdfighter video. By no means is this to pressure you into being a Nerdfighter, but it may help in the future to explain some of the jokes, and also it's an awesome video.
     So I have a great fear of the about you section on websites. It's just so freaking intimidating to me. It just sits there are laughs at me because it knows that I don't like it. And why don't I like it, you may ask? Well, the thing is, I just don't see the point in it. Sure, you can go to that little box and learn some "interesting facts" about me, or you can talk to me or read my blog, which is essentially the reason for the blog. So over time, this blog is going to become one giant about me section, and then it can laugh at the little, blank about me section.
     Lastly, before I actually post this and leave, I want to explain the reasoning behind my blog name and display name, Dandelions Fly. It was an inspiration from both my blog background, which is dandelions, and also from one version of the initialism of DFTBA, found in Hank's rap DFTBA. If you don't know what initialism or DFTBA is, then you clearly didn't watch the linked video, which means shame on you. And you know what? I'm not going to tell you. The version of the initialism that I took inspiration from is "Dandelions Fly Through Blue Air." I thought it sounded beautiful, and also, Dandelions Fly just sounds kind of dreamy and spacey, which is going to be how this blog is a lot of the time.
     So, enjoy the videos, don't be shy to tell Hank and John that I sent you, not like they're going to know who I am anyway, and I will write again soon. Hopefully. I will try for at least once a week. So, have a good week, and DFTBA my friends.

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