Like I said, I've started exams this week. Since it's grade 11 and they like to torture us, my exams are now up to three hours long. Three hours! Not many people understand what happens to your mind when you are forced to just sit there and regurgitate everything you've 'learned' in the past five months. How can they expect us to remember everything? I can barely remember what I did last week, let alone what I did three months ago. My motto for exams (and excuse my language) is "when in doubt, bullshit your way out!" I can't even count the number of times where I made something up for the sake of trying to answer a question. The only thing that keeps me going when I'm writing is the fact that after that three hours is up, I don't have to think about or remember any of it. Unless I have to take the next class the following year, but I don't have to think about that for a couple months. I've written two of my four exams so far, and I swear if it wasn't the weekend I would go insane.
I finished another novel before starting my exams. I have also sworn not to start the next one until all my exams are finished, so that I do not distract myself from studying. That's what happened last time. I got so into the book that by the time I finished it, I barely had time to study. Not that I study all that much. I finished Entice by Carrie Jones on Wednesday I believe. It is the third book in a series, which is still ongoing. The first two books are Need and Captivate. To be blunt, they are about pixies and weres and Fae. The main character, Zara, is the daughter of a pixie king. She falls in love with Nick, who is a werewolf. Her friend Devyn is a wereeagle. Her grandmother is a weretiger. It's all just kind of random when it comes to the characters. Anyway, Nick dies, and gets taken to Valhalla, which if you know your mythology, is the where warriors go when they die. They get taken by Valkyries, which is pretty cool, because they are kind of like the modern idea of angels, except they only take those chosen by the Norse god Odin. Anyway, going off topic there. To get him back, Zara decides to become a pixie when she meets Astley, a queen less pixie king. That's all I'm revealing. It's an amazing novel, and I can't wait for the next one.
I just need to slip this picture in. My blog, my opinion. I prefer Astley over Nick, but let's save that argument for another time.
I feel like the weekly question is kind of like a way of telling time on here. Anyway, this week I haven't thought at all about my answer. Too many other things to think about. "When it’s all said and done, will you have said more than you’ve done?" I fear that in the end, I will have said more than I've done. I want to do so many things, but I just never do them. I can't say just yet whether I will have said more than I've done, and only time will tell.
This weekend will be spent studying, so it will be extremely boring. I wish you luck with your exams, and a new semester. DFTBA, and have a good weekend.