
Squished Another One

     I feel almost like I've gotten half-good at this blogging thing. There haven't been too many long gaps between posts, I've been able to keep up with the 50QC so far, and in my opinion, things haven't been too boring. I think the only bad thing is that I use it to procrastinate against homework. Which I am doing right now.
     I finished another book yesterday. This brings the grand total to 4. At this rate, 50 in a year will be a cinch. The Scorch Trials turned out to even better than I expected. But of course, it's only books two, and it ended in the biggest cliffhanger I've ever read. There was just so much brought out in some of the characters that it makes it impossible to even try to predict anything for the next book. I read the second half in a few short hours Saturday morning, it was just that good. I recommend this book to anyone who likes to read, just read the first book first. Things will make much more sense.
     I never read hardcover books with their dust jackets on. I always leave them at home on my bookshelf so that they don't get ruined or ripped. Looking back at the cover for this book at this moment, I realize that I should probably look at them more when reading the book. It shows a lot of what happens in the novel, right on the cover. I guess that's what I get for wanting to keep my books in their best condition. Oh well.
     I have been reading a web comic lately that I am really enjoying and just want to take a moment to share it with you. Bugcomic is a comic about bugs, which are just a metaphor for people. It's pretty hilarious and witty, and I'd like to show you some of my favourites, but Blogger won't allow me to put them into a post for stupid reasons. So I'll have to link you to them. Not my favourite type of sharing things, but what can you do. Slim Pickins is my absolute favourite so far. It reminds me a lot of Will Grayson Will Grayson. Some more good ones are Trashed, Sex 101, AmenZombie Saturation, and For the Haters. Sometimes I really hate copyrights, but I understand the need for them.
     Here goes another week of procrastination, frustration, and temptation. And yes, I wrote that so it would rhyme. Exams start this week, so wish me luck. I will need it. Trust me. DFTBA, and don't die this week. Please.

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