

     I know this week's post is really late. Or, it will seem late once you have read it. I just haven't been in the mood to write lately. I'm stuck in a rut, and no amount optimism will be able to snap me out of it as quick as I would like. Sometimes I just get into a mood, and it takes time (and a lot of effort on my part) to get out of it. I don't like people helping, or trying to help. I don't need to be treated like an antique vase, ready to crack and break at the slightest touch. I just need routine, normal life. And time. Lots and lots of time.
     I finished Radiance on Wednesday night. It was a quick read, but really good. At first I didn't like it, because things just happened with very little reason or explanation, but as I neared the climax I began to understand things a bit better. It's about a girl who dies, and returns to earth to help other souls who have remained pass over. There is also a boy who is with her to guide her, but nothing romantic happens, which was quite a disappointment. But from what I can tell there will be another book about the characters, so we'll have to wait and see what becomes of it all.
The book I am reading now is called Halo. No surprises what this one is generally about.
     I have been quite reluctant to answer this week's question. I tried to do it on the last post, but it just didn't happen. I will give it another go, and hopefully this time I can write something that doesn't sound completely horrible. The question is "what is the one thing you’d most like to change about the world?" It took a lot of thinking for this answer, but the one thing I would change is the way people judge each other. I am so tired of people looking at each other and passing a judgement on their appearance, or something they heard from someone else. I know that I myself am guilty of doing it sometimes, but there are some people who are so quick to judge that it makes me question humanity. We judge people on some of the poorest criteria possible: physical appearance, gender, age, sexual orientation, race, religious beliefs, the list goes on. The one thing we all have in common is the one thing that seems to push us apart; the fact that we don't know who we are or what is really going on. We try to make ourselves seem better to each other, and push each other away so that we don't show how really scared we are of life.
     Anyway, I figure that I won't rant any more than that. I don't want to start a riot or anything. So I hope you have a good week, and you will hear from me soon. As always, be good and DFTBA.

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