
BEDD: I Didn't Forget!

     That's a half lie. While I didn't quite forget that I had to post tonight, I did get kind of busy and distracted. K is sleeping over tonight, so we did some awesome sleepover-type stuff. Well, our kind of sleepover-type stuff anyway. She helped me out with my Zelda game (Twilight Princess, because I'm oldschool like that), and then we rented a movie.

     Super 8 doesn't exactly sound like it would be a kick-ass movie, but it was mindblowing awesome. I mean, there were some moments where I was like how have you not died and such, but the concept was veery different to any other sort of alien/action type movie I've watched. Which is good, because I'm getting kind of tired of the cliché aliens attack, hero saves the day movie.

     The photo challenge for today is supposed to be a self-portrait, which I am not exactly happy about. I mean, I hate my picture being taken. It's like my soul is being taken from me (at least, that's the excuse I always give). So I'm going to cheat but not cheat, and take a picture of something that is not my face, but mostly because my hair is just a mess right now.

     So yeah. Not very awesome of me, but I don't really care. I think the picture turned out alright, and it still fits the guidelines. It is a portrait of myself. Just, you know, my hand. In nerdfighter gesture.Don't forget to be awesome!

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